I suggest doing more research on what CD is and why you should care. Some CD solutions place emphasis on a particular area, but all will have these basic concepts.
Rollback – If something in the verification step reveals an issue, then a pipeline should be able to roll that deployment back. Monitoring tools should plug into deployment pipelines to help verify. Verification – This is the process of verifying the success of a production deployment. Deployment strategies are defined in the CD pipeline. Examples include canary deployments, blue/green deployments, and rolling deployments. Deployment Strategies – This is the strategy taken to deploy applications to production. This could be a simple ticket approval or might involve advanced version control systems. Change Management, Governance, and Approvals – This step is how a company designates what’s ready to be deployed to production. A CD tool should allow you to incorporate your existing test automation (regression testing, etc.) into a pipeline. Testing and QA – These tests are normally performed in addition to tests that are run during the build process. Fundamentally, pipelines can be broken down into five stages: An example of an artifact is a docker container, and the environment could be for testing or for production.Ĭontinuous Delivery tools help create pipelines to standardize releases. Continuous Delivery FundamentalsĬontinuous Delivery is the process of deploying build artifacts into an environment. This is where CI decoupled from CD and Continuous Delivery tools entered the market. As all of you know, wherever there are custom scripts, there’s an opportunity for a new solution. However, companies realized they were spending too much time scripting CD. For five years, CI was synonymous with CD, and it was generally accepted that you could manipulate your CI tool to act as a CI/CD solution. Other CI tools picked up on this and soon, every CI tool touted its ability to create Continuous Delivery pipelines. Hence, Jenkins became the first CI/CD tool. They wrote custom scripts on top of Jenkins to create full deployment pipelines. The developers started working on CD using the only context they had: CI tools. As CI practices became standardized, a few companies began experimenting with Continuous Delivery. The agile manifesto paved the way for the release of the first CI tool in 2001, but technological limitations of the time kept CD a pipe dream.įast forward through ten years of Continuous Integration innovation, and Jenkins emerged as the defacto CI tool.
Several developers came together to write the agile manifesto, which referenced the need for “continuous improvement” in technological practices. The term CI/CD can be traced back to the 2000s right when Java, Javascript, and PHP were emerging.
But it’s up to you to decide whether I’m an honest sheriff trying to wrangle an out-of-control market, or if I’m a Harness android trying to confuse you even more. So who should you trust? As the writer of this blog, I hope you trust me. Some companies want to deploy multiple times an hour, and some companies just want to reach monthly releases. Not to mention successful CD best practices look different at every company. Does CD stand for Continuous Delivery, Continuous Deployment, or both…does it even matter? All tools claim to do “CD” to some degree.Ī quick search for Continuous Delivery tools will turn back a long list of companies that literally have CI ( Continuous Integration) in their name… not CD. Continuous Delivery is the wild west of DevOps.